About Administration
Chuna Sacco Ltd., established in 1976 as a Savings & Credit Co-operative Sacco, has undergone a trans-formative evolution into a Deposit Taking Sacco. Our fundamental objective is the strategic mobilization of savings and deposits, facilitating the provision of affordable credit facilities to members for socioeconomic empowerment. Recent developments have seen us expand our membership to encompass the general public, including employees in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and business community. The impact of the 2020-2024 strategic plan, designed to guide our operations over five years, has been pivotal in the turnaround of the Sacco's fortunes. This strategic blueprint focuses on four pillars: Innovation and Development of Member-Centric Products and Services, Marketing and Customer Experience, Governance and Operational Excellence, and Finance and Liquidity.
Dedicated efforts from the Sacco board and staff have significantly enhanced service delivery efficiency and effectiveness, leading to an impressive revenue growth from 2018 to 2022. This notable achievement underscores our commitment to providing excellent financial services to our members. We are delighted to announce the remarkable growth witnessed in the Sacco industry, attributed to our steadfast commitment to the prudent management of members' funds and leveraging cutting-edge technological advancements. Through strategic utilization of innovative financial technologies, we have streamlined our operations, enhancing efficiency, and offering a seamless experience to our valued members. We pride of the tremendous contribution by our BOSA (Back Office Service Activities), an efficient customer experience managing members queries, through various communication channels, and brilliant/innovative brains behind invention and diversification of products and services to suit our customers daily needs.
A significant contributing factor to this growth is the increased patronage of our FOSA (Front Office Service Activities) products and services by our members. The diverse range of FOSA products and services, coupled with the convenience afforded by modern technology, has resulted in a notable uptick in engagement as evidenced in the graph below of Sacco performance in the last 11 years.