The thorough and careful examination of an organization’s information technology infrastructure is called system audit which is also known as the information system (IS) audit. A system Audit is carried out to determine if the information system in place ensures the data integrity, safeguards the organization’s assets and operating, efficiently to help the organization in achieving its goals and objectives. An information system audit also evaluates inefficiencies or loopholes in the current system and suggests ways to overcome such deficiencies.
At CHUNA SACCO we are keenly concerned with our system security and system functionality which translates to member satisfaction. We are hence in the process of sourcing a suitable system auditor (firm) to carry out the tasks outlined in the attached RFP. The system auditor must fill out the prequalification form adhering to all prequalification requirements set out. The form can be downloaded at
Tenderers for system audit must fill the Request for Proposal Form found at /sites/default/files/2023-08/COMPREHENSIVE%20SYSTEM%20AUDIT%20RFP%202023.pdf